Sunday, December 16, 2012

Then I realised this is what a cloud feels like...

November, 2012 Mexico. 

Still learning how to use my camera...

I had returned to Mexico. And it somehow felt like coming to a strange home, where no one speaks your language but at least they get your jokes.

By coincidence and circumstance, to Oaxaca City for Day of the Dead and it felt like a small death of my own and my soul had returned. 

But it was over now and I was headed for the beach town of Muzunte on the Pacific Coast of Oaxaca state. The last time I had been there it had been a hippie laden, completely renewing despite my skepticism, experience. And I was looking forward to falling asleep to the sound of the sea.

San Jose del Pacifico is a small town in mountains, half way between Oaxaca City and Muzunte.

I had met Ben, an American filmmaker, at St Augustine. Ben had recently returned from a couple of days in San Jose del Pacifico and described the weird damp, drizzle like weather there. Did he need a rain coat? Or not? He hadn't been sure.

"Then I realised 'this is what a cloud feels like' " I told him he should make that the title of his next album. My Mexican chaperone laughed. Ben just told me he was filmmaker, not a musician.

I arrived in San del Pacifico, too late for the decent of the cloud.

 But I took some photos anyway...

Sun rise

The view from my cabin
Just some mountains...

And sometimes Mexico is just everything you expect it to be.

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