Tuesday, August 14, 2012

In the hands of the uncertain and the fickle, a trail is left behind...

Wielding an overpriced camera that I barely knew how to use, I went looking for something on the foreshore of Santa Monica and Venice Beach... 

...and found a neon sign...
 Santa Monica, May 2012

...some pizza and hot dogs...
Venice Beach, May 2012

...and a rare store holder that didn't tackle me to the ground for taking photos .

Some local colour on Venice Beach.

It's just gross.

Wielding an overpriced camera that I barely knew how to use, I went looking for something on the foreshore of Santa Monica and Venice Beach... and all I found were these shitty looking peace necklaces.

There's also an hirsute "Gorilla Man" in the bakground of this photo.


Inside the $5 freak show, a tiny freak show of yesteryear.

I have no caption for this - just a chimp wanting money, what a chump.

The fairground on Santa Monica as dusk begins to settle.

Mark Nunan this one's for you x

Santa Monica Beach, May 2012

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